Horse jokes

A mean horseman went into a…

A mean horseman went into a saddler's shop and asked for one spur. " One spur? " asked the saddler. " Surely you mean a pair of spurs, sir? " " No, just one, " replied the horseman. " If I can get one side of the horse to go, the other side is bound to come with it! "

A man has a racehorse, never…

A man has a racehorse, never won a race. Man in disgust says, " Horse, you win today or you pull a milk wagon tomorrow morning. " The starting gate opens, the horses take- off, they move the gate away and there lays his horse asleep on the track. He kicks the horse and asks, " WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING. The horse, half asleep says, " I have to get up at three in the morning. "