An old farmer is driving down…

An old farmer is driving down a country road in his pickup truck when it starts making an awful noise. He stops the truck and crawls underneath to investigate the problem. " Hmmm…muffler's loose. I bet I could fix that if I had a Monkey Wrench. " He says. He crawls out from underneath the truck and looks down the road. Off in the distance he sees a small house. There is a black woman and several small black children playing in the yard. The Farmer yells to her " Hey Miss, do you happen to have Monkey Wrench? " " What? " She yells back. " A Monkey Wrench!!? " He screams. " What? " " MONKEY WRENCH!!?…MONKEY WRENCH!!? " " Naw, this ain't no Monkey Ranch, its a Day Care Center! "

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